Yes, a Steelers diaper bag, filled with many things a dad would need, butt paste, wipes, diapers, boogie wipes, surgical masks and gloves, ear plugs, etc. Besides, there needs to be somewhere for all of the dirty diapers to go :)
Of course it needs to include a change of clothes! There were also some Bronco pacifiers :)
A "how to" baby manual is a must have!
Changing pad!
We had a fun day on Friday hanging out in Boulder, as well as our usual eating and drinking (mmmmm, Sprite for me, again!) These were some happy grandma's!
Saturday brought the baby shower fun! Beth and Stacey did an amazing job with the shower. It was fabulous. And Megan drove through a Vail blizzard and back to come down with the cake! I am very grateful for such great friends. I wish all my out of town friends and family could have been there as well. Here are some pictures...
Mom and Lynne
PT gals - Jess, Jaimy & Megan
Abby, my little present helper :)
Yummy cake!
Diaper cake from Jaimy
Sweet, stylish Stella (Stacey's baby) who is so nicely handing down her wardrobe to baby Ellie!
Priceless picture - good catch mom!
Mark found a way to get her into camo.
Joycie made this cute baby poncho and sent it from Pittsburgh.
Ellie's blanket from grandma Kathy!
This is a sweater made by our PT director at Children's, Carol. She is retiring in a month, and over her 20+ years at Children's, has made a sweater for each baby born to the therapists. I just made it under the wire to get a famous sweater!!
Paul's aunt Kathy, from PA, made this bag and EVERYONE was jealous. It is soooo cute!
Paul, Beth and the grandmas surprised me with my Pandora bracelet! They had each picked out a special charm to put on it.
Some great friends!
Thanks ladies for such a great day! Love ya :)
Whew...worn out!!
This is what a lot of the weekend looked like :)
Boehler-Mikolaj family fun!
The fun had to end sometime I suppose, and Monday morning, the parents flew back :( After we dropped everyone off at the airport shuttle, Paul and I were off to our 32 week appointment. All went well, except I was a little dehydrated, and little T is measuring right at 32 weeks. She had a good strong heartbeat. The doctor was happy with everything. We go back at 36 weeks and will have a quick ultrasound to see how she is positioned...hopefully head down! Then again at 38 weeks. Hopefully we won't have to go to our 40 week visit and instead just have the baby! I am trying to convince little T to come on time. Otherwise, they will induce me at 41 weeks. Then the family comes in all over again! We can't wait!!