Kerry & Paul

Welcome to our new adventure...a baby :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2 months old!!

Well, actually 10 weeks tomorrow! Things are going pretty well. Ellie is in a fairly consistent eat-play-sleep routine. She is fussy at the end of the day, of course right when Paul gets home (poor guy) as she is still not the best napper, and takes pretty short naps during the day. She will now sleep a 5-6 hour stretch at night...too bad I can't seem to get that too! She is usually up at 4:30 and 7-ish. Our next big goal in the coming days is to put her in her room and out of the bassinet in ours! I think I will sleep much better, anyway. It has been challenging trying to get out of the house as Ellie HATES the car seat, which means she currently hates the car and stroller rides. I SO hope she grows out of this soon, as I am going nuts in the house, but have high anxiety about leaving due to the SCREAMING! When she is not screaming, she is still pretty cute...

Cute overalls!

Happy St. Patricks Day - 6 weeks

Here's Ellie's first boyfriend Gavin. He is 4 weeks older than she is. They have had many play "dates" already - usually once a week!

Of course Abby takes such good care of her, and wants to help with everything. She's a good little mommy.

We have also had a few play dates with my friend Jenny and her cute little Alex.

Ellie started smiling at us (not just in her sleep or when she has gas) at about the 6 week old mark. There is nothing more rewarding than that sweet smile! It is what gets me through those 6 and 7 o'clock mornings, when all I want to do is sleep! She is also so interested in looking at things now, and loves to play in her gym...that is, when we can get Ally and Porter out of the gym!

This was the first big smile we caught on camera!

A rare moment smiling in her car seat...probably because I was about to take her out!

Playing in the gym!

Tummy time - Ellie and Porter were both interesting in the ball toy.

Sweet sleepy face...this girl loves her binky!

Tolerating another hair bow...gotta look cute for Gavin :)

Me and the little peanut - sadly, her nick name has become "nut" - I'm sure she will love that later!

More snuggles

Chillin' with dad

Before losing her mind on a walk - she sure is cute in there when she is not screaming!

Trying another walk on our 84 degree April day...a little warm in the outfit, but maybe that is why she actually slept on this walk :)

"MOM!!!! I told you NOT to put this picture on the internet!"

A few new toys that I love using at work, so figured Ellie needed them at home. Nothing like product testing every day, and knowing which toys NOT to get for home!

My "Ellie" necklace I got from Beth and Stacey at my shower, now complete with her garnet birth stone.

Ellie had her 2 month old check up today. We actually took her to the doctor last week, too, because she was very snotty and congested, but luckily her ears and her lungs were clear. I had also been concerned about her having reflux, and we are trying some Zantac to see if that helps. She had to get 3 shots and an oral one. It was awful! She cried new cries we had never heard before :( Then she ate and fell asleep. She has really chunked up! She went from the the 9th percentile at 2 weeks to the 59th percentile today at 11.9 pounds. She was 23 inches long. She goes back at 4 months. For now she continues to sleep sounds, and Paul and I are drinking :) I hope she sleeps well tonight! We will post more pictures shortly!!