Kerry & Paul

Welcome to our new adventure...a baby :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

37 week - 19 days to go...what?!?!

Yes, 19 days until her due date. Although she is technically full term right now! I am not sure if she will cooperate or not, but this Saturday (the 22nd) would have been my great-grandmother's 100th birthday (my mom's grandmother). Her name was Katherine, and that is where Kate comes from for the baby's middle name. How fitting for her to be born on that special day :) We'll see, I guess...though, it is not looking promising! Kate was also my grandpa Boehler's mother's name, as well as Paul's great grandmother's name. Whew...that's a lot of Kate's!

We had a doctor's appointment last Friday and saw the nurse practitioner. She did an ultrasound to check that baby's position, and she was head down. We are hoping she stays that way at this point. The NP said that she was still high, and had not really dropped yet. I was also NOT dilated...bummer! But, everything else looked good. We go back on the 25th and will see my doctor. I will be 38.5 weeks at that point. Let's hope for some action by then!

In the mean time, we have almost finished her nursery. We are still waiting on the glider and ottoman, which will be delivered this Friday. It was fun to finish putting her closet together, put clothes in her drawers, and hang the art work. The cats think we have done this all for them, and have taken to the soft changing table pad. I find them napping in there daily. They also like to play around in the crib. I am sure they will find the nice soft glider a fine napping spot as well! Here are some pics of the nursery so far!

And of course her closet...

Work continues to be exhausting, but keeps me busy and active. Bending, squatting and getting on and off the floor a hundred time a day must have some positive effect on getting this baby to come out, right?! That is what I have convinced myself, anyway.

Well, that is what is going on with us these days...just a lot of waiting :) Here is the latest belly shot...she is poppin' right out!

1 comment:

  1. the 22nd is also our first ultrasound so that would be very cool! the nursery looks great and the cats seem to enjoy it! lol. hope ellie comes soon!
